
Steelwool 2.0

December 14, 2012

Volano Solutions is proud to announce that Steelwool 2.0 will go live soon. We’ve made a very good work management tool great thanks to the feedback we got from and our clients and partners. Small and medium sized business across industries stand to realize measurable cost saving and will shed the mental weight that work status uncertainly causes in day to day business. Our goal is to keep you focused on driving your mission and ensuring that you provide an optimal experience for your customers.

Here are just a few key added features ;

• New Set Up Guide helps users easily configure Steelwool. In addition to our ongoing support and consultancy, you’re empowered to modify Steelwool ongoing as your business evolves.
• Form Builder will allow you to click and drag fields for easy customization. You’ll feel like a techie and Steelwool will fit your process like a glove.
• A “Help” icon will ensure that your team understands where they’re going. Easy, quick and good for first-time users and new employees.
• We’ve added New Portal functionality for users external to your organization. With the portal, a user can add new work and see the status of the work they’ve entered. Your customers will only see the fields that are relevant to the work you’re doing for them. Keep your customers in the loop on the work you’re doing for them.

Call us at 402-658-5034 if you’d like to learn more about Steelwool. We’d be happy to discuss how it’s being used by our clients today and whether or not it’s a fit for your business.